Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Homage to the Deuce

 And the award for Best Frog Face goes to . . . .

This one!
 Pop has already asked, "Where do I vote?!?"

Kindergarten is a magical year.  Kids learn to read, to coexist with wacky people, to love learning, to be away from Mama, and to celebrate the genius of Dr. Seuss.

Special shout out to the most amazing Kinder teacher ever -- Ann Fisher!!!!  (Seriously, look at how she's holding his hand.  She's a God-send!  He's already asked if he can repeat Kinder in her class.)


Mimi said...

Foreshadowing! Either Pres or a great writer (*_*)

Julianna Farmer said...

Hey! I see that line across the "L" in "lower". Is that subliminal messaging for "tower"? Is he raising taxes astronomically? Wow! He really is a politician--already using tricky campaigning methods--ha!